| Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY


Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY

Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY

Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY

The Association of DESY friends and sponsors was founded in 1964. Our aim is to support DESY research, foster scientific and cultural relations in Germany and abroad as well as to strengthen the bonds between the international user community, DESY and the public by bringing together friends and sponsors and by using our assets for the good cause.

Now, what is the good cause? Here are some examples:

One of our main tasks is to support activities arising from DESY's international commitment. For example, we supported two excellent students who wanted to attend the DESY Summer School, but didn't have the financial means to travel overseas.

We highly appreciate the many PhD theses (based on the DESY research programme) that are written at DESY each and every year. Outstanding works are honoured with the Award of the Association of DESY friends and sponsors.

Social life is not to be neglected either. Supporting e.g. the DESY choir or language classes means contributing indirectly to the wellbeing of our staff. Please have a look at our annual reports for more information!