| Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY


Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY


 Award of the Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY 2024

The Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY (VFFD) announces an award for outstanding PhD theses based on the research program of DESY.

Nominations for this award are invited on behalf of candidates whose theses meet the following criteria:

The prize can be awarded to at most 3 nominees. In case of one awardee the prize amounts to 3000,- €, otherwise the amount is 2000,- €.

The awardees will be chosen by a selection committee.

Please send your nominations for the Thesis Award 2024 to:

Prof. W. Buchmüller
Chairman of the Association
DESY, Theory Group
Notkestr. 85, Geb. 2a
22607 Hamburg

before 30 April 2024. The nomination should include the PhD thesis, a detailed laudatio, the curriculum vitae of the candidate and the list of publications as pdf-files.

The award ceremony will take place on the occasion of the DESY Science Day in the fall of 2024.